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Filtro > Filtros de nebulosas > filtro SII > Astronomik > SII CCD > Astronomik filtro SII CCD de 2"

Descrição do produto

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Astronomik SII 12nm Filter

The Astronomik SII-CCD filter is a narrow-band-filter for CCD photography.The filter lets the light of the ionized sulfur (SII) pass, and blocks nearly the whole remainder of the visual spectrum as well as IR, in which the CCD is sensitive.

We have re-desgined all of our photographic filters. Since the end of 2008 we are shipping our new "Halo-Free" filters.

The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 12nm is optimal suitable for common CCD cameras and allows the use of very fast optics. The range of application extends from 1:2.8 to 1:15. Transmission losses and chromatic distortions, which arise with other filters, only occur with Astronomik filters when extremely bright aperture ratios of 1:2 and more come into play. It should be noted, that the filter has a transmission of up to 99%.

Another advantage of the 12nm filters is the good availability of guiding stars for cameras with a built-in-autoguider (SBIG). If you use a very strong filter like our 6nm filter you often won't find a usable guidestar.

The Astronomik SII CCD filter increases the contrast between objects, in this case between those with SII emission lines and the skyglow background. Also, our Astronomik SII-CCD filter completely suppresses the emission lines of artificial lighting (mercury (Hg) and sodium (Na)) and skyglow.

Main use

The Astronomik SII CCD increases the contrast between objects, in this case between the SII emission line and the skyglow background. Our Astronomik SII CCD completely suppresses the emission lines of artificial lighting (mercury (Hg) and sodium (Na)) and skyglow. Due to the high optical quality of the Astronomik H-alpha-CCD substrate you will see the same needle-sharp stars as you would from your regular telescope.



Conexão (lado do telescópio)
Revestimento da ótica
Material da montagem


Tipo de construção
filtro de linha

Áreas de uso

Útil visualmente
Útil fotograficamente
Contra poluíção luminosa
Astronomik filtro SII CCD de 2"

Como leio esta curva de transmissão?

  • No eixo horizontal o comprimento de onda está indicado em nanometros. 400nm corresponde ao azul profundo, em 520nm verde, em 600nm vermelho
  • No eixo vertical a transmissão está indicada em %
  • Filtro visual: A curva cinza mostra a sensibilidade relativa do olho humano adaptado à noite
  • Filtro fotográfico: A curva cinza mostra a sensibilidade relativa de um sensor CCD típico
  • Laranja: as linhas de emissão mais importantes, que contribuem para a iluminação artificial do céu, por exemplo: Linhas de mercúrio (Hg) e sódio (Na)
  • Verde: as linhas de emissão mais importantes de nebulosas gasosas, por exemplo: as linhas de hidrogênio (H-alfa e H-beta) assim como linhas de oxigênio (OIII)

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